Providing free education on the legal and practical issues to help you navigate health care.

Caregiver Resources

When you're a caregiver of an individual diagnosed with a chronic or serious medical condition, access to accurate resources about legal and practical matters like taking time off from work, managing family finances and medical bills, replacing lost wages, estate planning, and other matters, can be hard to come by. Triage Health is here to bridge the gap with free materials and resources created specifically for caregivers of anyone diagnosed with a serious medical condition.

Quick Guides, Checklists, & Other Materials

It is important to understand the laws, protections, and resources that may be available to help caregivers. Our free Quick Guides and other materials will explain your potential options for taking time off work, paid leave, stress management, support services, and much more.

These materials present information in a brief, easy-to-digest, printable format to take some of the stress out of this process. If you are looking for a more comprehensive breakdown, see our Practical Guide to Cancer Rights for Caregivers.

Animated Videos, Podcasts, and Webinars

Triage Cancer's free animated video on Supporting Caregivers dives into employment rights, finances, and ways to find support. And, in terms you can understand, the How to Triage Cancer Podcast explains ways that a caregiver may be able to take time off from work. Best part? No subscription required! If you are looking for more comprehensive information, then the webinars may be for you.

Finances: Caregiving

If you're not sure exactly where to start with caregiving resources, this Cancer Finances module is for you! This interactive toolkit will walk you through a series of questions to help you find the information you are looking for and that applies to you.

State Laws

Understanding state laws is important because sometimes they provide more protection than federal laws. Triage Cancer's Charts of State Laws related to employment will take you through laws that may assist caregivers in your state. The Medicaid chart includes information on in-home support services.